Thank You To All Our Members, We Can't Do Any of This Without You
We are very grateful to all of our members for everything that you do to help improve and promote our club.
Keep in Mind
If you have a membership to our club please remember that this is only for yourself (in the case of an individual membership) or your family (in the case of a family membership). If you bring a guest with you they must also sign in the book and you are responsible for collecting the $10 shooting fee. Your membership does not allow your children (minor or otherwise) to use the Club without an adult member present.
Please remember that members are not allowed to use the club when it has been closed for a private event. Private events will be noted on a pinned Facebook Post, in the newsletter whenever possible and will be noted at the club by signs posted near the road. If you see either of these you are not allowed to use the club during the event. If you would like to host a private event please attend one of our monthly board meetings to make a request.
Also, keep in mind that all members must complete 8 hours of volunteer work in order to qualify for a reduced membership renewal. We try to list volunteer opportunities on Facebook, in the clubhouse as well as in the newsletter. If you are interested in one of these opportunities please sign up and notify the respective board member. If you still need to complete your volunteer hours for membership or you have ideas for volunteer projects needed at the club please contact Theresa Badour VanSumeren at (989) 225-0246.
If you would like to reserve the club for a private event you must appear before the board or send a letter to the board to make a request. These requests will all be reviewed and you will be notified if your event has been approved or denied. If you host a private event at the club you are responsible for cleaning before and after the event. You are also responsible for finding a member who can come to the club after your event to verify cleaning. You are also responsible for filling out the Facility Usage Agreement which can be found here. It will explain your responsibilities as well as items you will need to supply for yourself.
Please join our Facebook group to stay up to date on new events, news, when the next monthly Board Meeting will be, etc. All members (and guests) are welcome to attend the meeting. It will be a potluck so please bring your favorite dish to pass. Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m.
If you need a membership renewal form please download it here. If you would like to request a key membership please remember that you must appear before the board with your application. The application can be downloaded here. All renewals are due by February of the current year so please get them in ASAP.
FYI - All memberships and renewals must be accompanied by a Waiver and Release of Liability form.